Monday, March 21, 2016

Should people from another culture accept or engage in
they find morally wrong?

 This is a hard question to answer.  One morning, I was listening to a radio station and the show was centered on this woman’s organization in Afghanistan.  This organization’s goal is to find ways to empower woman. Because of political, religious, and cultural aspects, the ultimate objective of this organization cannot be achieved instantly.  Furthermore, because of the Taliban’s influence, women are not permitted to become educated or independent without severe or deathly consequences.  So, the organization decided that in order to provide women help they develop programs that assist women to work within their home environment.  The job provided was sewing .The organization started an informal manufacturing for clothing.  The organization would provide material to be sewn and pay women a fee per article. The rate was extremely low and not equivalent to the labor that was inputted.  However, this way the society would not be bothered and women can gain economic freedom thru employment within in their own home.  The organization hoped with economic freedom, women would be able to progress to enjoy other freedoms later.
 The reason I listing this story is because, I personally feel angry and object to the way fashion industry exploit these laborers.  I want for US companies to manufacturer clothing fairly.  However, if it was not for these unfair practices would the women involve in the above program be given the same opportunity for independence.
So, in my opinion, yes, at times you may have to accept and engage in behaviors that we find morally wrong or ignorant.  But no, if I am permitted a choice. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


   I started my career with state of Texas, under the Health and Human Services Commissions. Specifically, I worked for the Office of Eligibility Services (OES). My direct tittle was Texas Worker Advisor. My duties include determining eligibility for Social Welfare programs such as: Medicaid, TANF (Temporary Aid for Needy Families), and the SNAP (Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program). While servicing Texas residents, I began to notice a trend of obesity amongst both children and adults.


  Which view do you think is most followed in our court system today?

     Sixteen years ago, a man exited a plan at John F. Kennedy Airport. It was his first time entering the United States. His plane was on delay from Qatar. His next flight would not be for 10 hours. He began to walk around the airport. He was one of the few people in his family that has ever visit the United States. He arrived to a line. An agent showed him picture and held out their hand. It appeared to look like a picture of his passport. The man handed the agent his passport. The agent attempted to ask him questions. The man did not speak English and resoundingly shook his head in misunderstanding. The agent walked away with his passport. Not understanding, the man continue to walk toward the airport exit. He took his first step on to American soil. He glanced back at the airport. Back there was his ride back to his home. He looked forward. Out here is an opportunity to make more. He kept on walking forward.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

 In the video, Chen Lizra discusses seduction and illustrates examples of the process. Lizra notes that the main elements to seduction are: desire, confidence, body language, and arousal. Lizra states using seduction will build a connection to get one's desire. Similar to manipulation, the freedom of choice is not given. Unlike manipulation, seductive efforts use physically attractive vehicles to tempt an individual to make an action. For example, nude bars attract men and women.  Men or women are seduce if they spend so much time that they forget an obligation.”

After seeing this video, as the speaker implied, do you see seduction as a valuable life skill?

Thursday, March 10, 2016


     The news was initially transferred arduously by hand or dialogue. To find out the different happenings societies were dependent on the individuals with reading ability. As one could assume, this leads to more class separation and misdirection of current events. However, the advancement of Communication technology gives most societies a chance to individuals otherwise overlooked. The purpose of this paper is to review four critical communications technology. They are printing, radio, television, and internet.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

 I have learned the importance of being self-aware.  In being self-aware, I think is really important to include 3 steps:  know yourself, watch your words, and watch your actions. I know I am a hot-tempered chick.  So, during intercultural exchanges, I realize I need to be slow to react and respond with purpose.  I think as humans we tend to grasp the most available thoughts and use them in most situations.  But for the sake of intercultural diversity, we need to stop and think more about how our words and actions can lead to an fruitful exchange between people who are different from us.

Monday, March 7, 2016


     To some conflict is a reason to concede. To another person, conflict is an adrenaline rush. For some, conflict is a dilemma that has no beneficial conclusion. Conflict occurs due to our relationship with individuals, a perception of resource needs, incompatible goals, and urgency (Cahn, 2014). Conflict is not preventable. Conflicts presence is even more present in business relationships. The purpose of this paper is to review the given case study below: